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Terms of Use

The Company collects the Personal Information for the following purposes:

Collected Items ID, password, country, company, industry, email address, name, cell phone number (mandatory), office phone number (optional)
Purpose of Collection User verification and identification at the time of new membership subscription, handling consultation requests and notifying the results and management of the membership subscription process
Duration of Preservation and Use Until the completion of membership termination process or duration of preservation based on applicable laws and regulations.
Remarks You cannot join for membership if you refuse the consent.
Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions of use (the “Terms”) set forth the conditions and procedures to use the E-Trade website operated by Woori Home Shopping Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and other necessary items.

Article 2 (Definitions)
  • The “Website” means the E-Trade website [http://trade.lottehomeshopping.com] specialized in B2B transactions set up by the Company using information communications facilities such as computers in order to provide the Member with the information regarding goods and services (the “Goods”).
  • The “Member” means a person (including a corporate entity; the same applies hereinafter) that has subscribed for membership to use the Website operated by the Company and may continuously use the services that the Company provides through the Website (the “Service”).
Article 3 (Posting, Explanation, and Amendment of the Terms)
  • The Company shall post the contents of the Terms and its trade name on the first page of the Website; provided, however, the Company may cause the contents of the Terms to be read through a linked page.
  • The Company may amend the Terms to the extent not violating applicable Korean laws and regulations, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.
  • If the Company amends the Terms, the Company shall give notice on the first page of the Website from seven (7) days prior to the effective date to the date immediately before the effective date by specifying the effective date and the details of amendments.
  • If the Company amends the Terms, the amended Terms shall apply only to the agreements executed after the relevant effective date and the pre-amendment Terms shall apply to the agreements that have already been executed prior to the effective date; provided, however, the amended Terms shall apply if the Member who has already executed an agreement sends his, her, or its intention to be subject to the amended Terms to the Company within the notification period under this Article 3 and obtains the Company’s consent.
Article 4 (Provision and Modification of Service)
  • The Company shall carry out the following activities:
  • providing information regarding the Goods; and
  • other activities determined by the Company.
  • If the Goods are sold out or technical specifications are altered, the Company may modify the details of the Goods to be provided under future agreements. In such case, the details of the modified Goods and the date when the modified Goods are to be provided shall immediately be notified at the place where the details of the current Goods are posted.
  • If the Company modifies the details of the Service to be provided pursuant to an agreement with the Member due to reasons such as the Goods being sold out and the change of technical specifications, the Company shall notify the Member of the relevant reason through an available method (including a phone call, text message, or e-mail).
Article 5 (Suspension of Service and Restrictions on Use)
  • The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of the Service for reasons, including without limitation, the repair, inspection, replacement, or breakdown of information communications facilities such as computers and broadcasting facilities, and the disconnection of communications.
  • In the absence of the Company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence, the Company shall not be liable for the losses occurred to the Member or a third party due to the temporary suspension of providing the Service for reasons set forth in Paragraph 1 above.
Article 6 (Membership Subscription)
  • An person may subscribe for membership in the following ways; provided, however, the Company may set forth on separate membership subscription methods depending on the type of the medium and the Service operated by the Company:
  • ① by typing in the membership information on the Website in accordance with the subscription form provided by the Company and indicating that he, she, or it agrees with the Terms.
  • ② by following other methods determined by the Company.
  • Among those who have applied for membership in accordance with Paragraph 1 above, the Company shall register as the Members those who the Company determines to have provided accurate membership information and be qualified for membership.
  • The membership subscription agreement shall be deemed effective:
  • in the case of membership application pursuant to Item 1 of Paragraph 1, at the point when the administrator’s e-mail of accepting membership subscription reaches the Member.
  • in the case of membership application pursuant to Item 2 of Paragraph 1, at the point when the Company’s acceptance reaches the Member.
  • If any change occurs to registered items, the Member shall inform the Company of such change within a reasonable time through methods including revision of membership information.
Article 7 (Withdrawal from Membership and Loss of Qualification)
  • The Member may request to the Company for withdrawal from membership at any time, and the Company shall process such withdrawal request without delay.
  • The relevant membership information shall immediately destroyed upon withdrawal from membership; provided, however, that the information shall be preserved for the specified period in the following cases:
  • ① if preserved pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, the period determined under such laws and regulations.
  • ② reasons based on the Company’s internal policy:
  • A. Preserved Items: ID, password, country, company name, business type, e-mail address, name, and phone number
  • B. Reasons: Preventing improper subscription and use
    Improper Subscription: Subscription by misappropriating someone else’s identity or by the same person using the false identity of multiple persons
    Improper Use: Cases of engaging in transactions with improper purposes through an improper subscription or of posting swear words or advertisements on the bulletin board
  • C. Preservation Period: one (1) month
  • The Company may forfeit, restrict, or suspend a Member’s membership in the following cases:
  • ① The Member has registered false information or misappropriated another person’s information at the time of membership subscription.
  • ② The Member fails to pay for the Goods bought through the Website or to perform the Member’s obligations in connection with using the Service on the due date.
  • ③ The Member interferes with another person’s use of the Website or threats the order of business transactions by misappropriating the Website’s information.
  • ④ The Member conducts an act prohibited by law or the Terms or violating the public order and good morals.
  • ⑤ The Member interferes with the Company’s sound management and service operation by engaging in any of the following items:
  • A. undermining the Company’s reputations by distributing ungrounded false matters about the Company.
  • B. interfering with the Company’s work by requesting an improper return even though there is no defect with the purchased Goods.
  • C. interfering with the Company’s operations by insulting, using an abusive language to, or threatening the Company’s employee.
  • D. in the Company’s determination, using the Service for illegal or improper purposes.
  • ⑥ The Company determines that the membership has to be forfeited, restricted, or suspended for other reasons.
Article 8 (Notification to Member)
  • If the Company is to give notice to the Member, the Company may do so by using the e-mail address previously agreed upon and designated by the Member.
  • In the case of notification to multiple, unidentified Members, the Company may substitute individual notice with a post on the bulletin board of the Website for at least one (1) week; provided, however, the Company shall send individual notice regarding matters significantly affecting the transactions of an individual Member.
Article 9 (Protection of Personal Information)
  • When collecting personal information relating to the Member, the Company shall collect the minimum level of personal information to the extent necessary to provide the Service.
  • When collecting and using personal information relating to the Member, the Company shall notify the relevant Member of the purposes and obtain the Member’s consent.
  • The Company may not use the collected personal information for other purposes, and if a new purpose of use occurs or the information is provided to a third party, the Company shall notify the relevant Member of the purposes and obtain the Member’s consent at the use and provision stage, except for cases where applicable laws and regulations provide otherwise.
  • If the Company is to obtain the Member’s consent pursuant to Paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the Company shall specify or notify in advance the matters provided under Article 22(2) of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, such as the identity of the personal information manager (affiliation, name, phone number, and other contact information), the purposes of collecting and using personal information, and the matters relating to the provision of information to a third party (the identity of the third party, the purpose of provision, and the details of information to be provided). The Member may revoke such consent at any time.
  • The Member may request for browsing and correcting errors in connection with the personal information relating to the Member held by the Company at any time, and the Company shall take necessary measures without delay. If the Member requests for error correction, the Company shall not use the relevant personal information until the error is corrected.
  • In order to protect personal information, the Company shall minimize the number of personnel in charge of handling the personal information relating to the Member. The Company shall bear all liability with respect to the losses suffered by the Member from the loss, theft, leakage, provision to a third party without consent, or alteration of the personal information relating to the Member including credit card numbers and bank accounts.
  • Upon the completion of purposes of collecting the personal information, the Company or a third party that has received the personal information from the Company shall destroy the relevant personal information without delay upon the completion of purposes of collecting or providing the personal information.
  • The Company shall not preset the checkbox for the consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information as selected. In addition, the Company shall specify in detail which of the Service will be restricted if the Member does not consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information, and unless the collection of certain personal information is mandatory, shall not restrict or refuse the provision of the Service, such as membership subscription, because of the Member’s refusal to consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information.
Article 10 (Obligations of Company)
  • The Company shall not carry out any activities prohibited by law or the Terms or violating the public order and good morals and shall use its best efforts to provide the Goods in a continuous and stable fashion as prescribed in the Terms.
  • The Company shall be equipped with the security system for protecting the personal information relating to the Member (including credit information) such that the Member may safely use the internet services.
Article 11 (Member’s Obligation regarding ID and Password)
  • Except for the cases set forth in Article 9, the Member bears the responsibility to manage the Member’s ID and password.
  • The Member shall not let a third party use the Member’s ID and password.
  • If the Member becomes aware of the fact that the Member’s ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, the Member shall immediately give notice to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions, if applicable.
Article 12 (Obligations of Member)

The Member shall not conduct any of the following acts:

  • registering false information upon application or revision
  • misappropriating someone else’s information
  • revising information posted on the Website
  • transmitting or posting information (including computer programs) other than that determined by the Company
  • infringing intellectual property rights such as the copyright of the Company or a third party
  • undermining the reputation of or interfering with the business activities of the Company or a third party
  • disclosing or posting on the Website obscene or violent messages, images, or voices, or other information violating the public order and good morals
  • engaging in other activities violating applicable laws and regulations
Article 13 (Vesting of Copyright and Restriction on Use)
  • The copyrights or other intellectual property rights in relation to the work created by the Company shall be vested in the Company.
  • The Member shall not use for profit the information obtained via using the Company but the intellectual property right of which has been vested in the Company by duplicating, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, or using other means without the Company’s prior consent and shall not cause a third party to use such information.
  • If the Company is to use the copyrights vested in the Member pursuant to agreements, the Company shall give notice to the relevant Member.
  • Notwithstanding Article 3 above, the Company may directly use, or cause a partner company to use, without payment all contents posted by the Member in connection with the Goods, and the Member hereby permits such use.
Article 14 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
  • The Company and the Member shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Seoul Central District Court as the court of first instance in connection with any disputes arising between the Company and the Member
  • Korean law shall be applied to lawsuits regarding electronic commercial transactions between the Company and the Member.